Get started in three steps
Ready to enrol in MWG Partnership? You’ll need to complete the following steps:
Myeong Wol Gung | 명월궁 | 明月宮 | めいげつみや
Ready to enrol in MWG Partnership? You’ll need to complete the following steps:
United States / European Union / United Kingdom / Japan / China
Brands must have a pending or registered and active text-based or image-based trademark.
To be eligible for MWG Partnership, your brand must have an active registered trademark in each country where you wish to enrol or have a pending trademark application filed. MWG Partnership is also accepting brands that have a trademark pending registration in a subset of trademark offices (see country-specific requirements section). The trademark for your brand must be in the form of a text-based mark (word mark) or an image-based mark with words, letters or numbers (design mark). Depending on where your trademark is registered, eligible trademarks can have different classifications based on their issuing trademark office. Examples of trademarks that we currently accept for enrolment are included below:
Please share the content required for MWG Partnership in the computer file formats (type/extension) below.
The content sharing method is email attachment or cloud storage access link. The email sender domain is limited to the your company's official business domain, and cloud storage is limited to your company account's storage (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.).
If you do not share content that meets your request or requirement level, MWG Partnership services may not be provided or you may receive services that do not meet your request or requirement level. In this case, the Client Responsibility clause in the Cancellation and Refund Policy applies.
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