What is it?
Cool cooling type spray with magnesium to reduces swelling, improves circulation, and relieves skin stiffness.
What does it do?
· Reduces swelling instantly
· Improves circulation
· Instantly relieves skin stiffness
· Hypoallergenic (German Dermatest "excellently")
Why is it different?
With a magnesium chloride content of 350,000 ppm, it contains patented ingredients such as SLIMEXIR® and Soothing Cooler® It is blended to provide the best efficacy.
· Magnesium chloride helps muscle relaxation and provides high moisture to the skin with plenty of minerals, promoting skin elasticity.
· SLIMEXIR® improves cellular metabolism, reducing body fat and cellulite, improving skin tone, tightening skin, and reducing swelling.
· Soothing Cooler® provides a cool feeling with natural extracts, protects the skin barrier by releasing heat from the skin surface, and has a soothing effect.